Soaring Hawks Foundation

1930 Fricke Rd, Cincinnati, OH 45225
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Our missionThe Soaring Hawks Foundation was established in 2012 to support the needs of the students, families, and staff at Ethel M. Taylor Academy.

Soaring Hawks Foundation

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How you helpMost of our students have a very challenging home life. School is their haven. Volunteering your time or donating material goods helps provide resources and programs to offer students and families not only the support they need but access to additional educational enrichment they would otherwise not have.
About usTaylor Academy is a pre-kindergarten through sixth grade Cincinnati Public School located in Millvale. Taylor is 100% free and reduced lunch with about 15-20% of the students being homeless. The level of need at Taylor is vast. With the continuing funding cuts to education we decided to look for alternative funding sources in order to serve the school needs. The Soaring Hawks Foundation is one way to establish a funding pool that we can use to purchase services and supplies to improve our school and our students’ quality of life.
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