Sunflower Revolution

222 Piedmont Ave, Cincinnati, OH 45219
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Our missionThe Sunflower Revolution was created in 2004 by Cincinnatians who sought to improve the quality of life for people who have Parkinson's disease by raising funds for research and education. 14 years later, this annual walk/run/bike event is called Sunflower Rev It Up for Parkinson's and we continue to walk, run, bike and celebrate in order to make lives better for people with Parkinson's.

Sunflower Revolution

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Ways to help

Event Support

Volunteer at Sunflower Rev It Up for Parkinson's.
  • One-time
  • Teens, 21+, 55+, Adults
  • Individuals
  • Event support
  • None
  • Weekends
How you helpThe Sunflower Rev It Up includes a free educational symposium and expo for patients, caregivers and healthcare professionals; and a annual fund-raising 5k walk/run,bike ride and party in beautiful downtown Cincinnati.
About usThe Sunflower Rev It Up is a celebratory event whose mission is to raise funds for Parkinson’s research that can benefit patients regionally, nationally and globally. To promote wellness within the Cincinnati area’s Parkinson’s disease community; and to heighten the public’s awareness of Parkinson’s disease.
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