Rookwood Exchange, 3825 Edwards Rd #103, Cincinnati, OH 45209
Phone (513) 888 - 7183
Visit Website Volunteer Page Our mission | Our mission is very simple. We put FUN on the calendars of women and families LIVING with breast cancer by sending them on special vacations, relaxing spa days, dinners out, concerts and other FUN-ONLY activities. |
The Karen Wellington Foundation for LIVING with Breast Cancer
Ways to help | Travel ResearchWe need a person who will hunt for travel deals, learn the best way to leverage points and help us reduce costs of our vacations while providing a top notch experience for our recipients. |
How you help | We need help finding vacation deals, trends and technical solutions to our growing demand. We are looking for IT help, database management help and people who can organize and help us use data. |
About us | We’re not your ordinary cancer foundation. Nope. Not at all. Our focus is on FUN. Fun NOW, to be specific. We put FUN on the calendars of women and families LIVING with breast cancer – women with calendars full of chemo and radiation treatments, doctors’ appointments, tests, and more tests. Not-fun-stuff. Our Recipients are special ladies and families who are not done LIVING yet. We send them on family vacations, relaxing spa days with sisters, dinners out with best friends, concerts, road trips and other FUN-ONLY activities. We’re a diverse, inclusive, and growing group of friends in ten chapters throughout the U.S.. Friends who know how to have fun and, more importantly, get excited about giving FUN to others. |
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