Our mission | At The Treehouse, we help kids build healthy bodies and minds through play! We offer low-cost, drop-off developmental play groups for all kids, regardless of ability level. Our play groups are facilitated by pediatric therapists who are experienced with modifying activities and trained to provide a positive play experience for all kids. |
The Treehouse Ohio
About us | The Treehouse was established in October 2017 to bring the activities and ideas to life by implementing them with local families and children. As pediatric healthcare providers, our founders work alongside licensed pediatric occupational, physical and speech therapists to build a healthy community and overcome health disparities by providing affordable play opportunities critical to healthy development. The Treehouse offers a warm and welcoming space for building strong, healthy bodies and minds through play, regardless of family income and ability level. The Treehouse proudly offers 13-15 weekly play groups for 2-10 year olds, designed to promote development in all areas including: attention, gross motor skills (coordination and balance), visual motor skills (handwriting and drawing), fine motor skills (grasping and manipulating), sensory processing skills, social skills, cognitive skills and more. These 60 to 90-minute drop-off play experiences support and foster independence, confidence, academic skills, positive behavior and a range of developmental skills. Facilitated by pediatric therapists and therapy assistants, each group is unique and is built around a kid-friendly theme (for example: the beach, snow, the garden) and incorporates creative movement games and activities, unique art and craft activities and engaging sensory activities to promote skill development. Facilitators are trained to identify individual strengths and needs, so that groups are appropriate for all children – not just those with special needs or diagnoses. Accessibility is a top strategic priority, and every child can participate in one weekly group free-of-charge. Additional sessions are available for the nominal fee of $5 per child per group. Children engaging in our play groups have an extensive range of ability levels, from typically functioning children to those with more extensive special needs. Scholarships are available to families that are unable to afford play groups and camp opportunities. |
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