65 E Hollister St, Cincinnati, OH 45219
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Our missionThe mission of Transformations CDC is to build bridges to recovery, restoration, and self-reliance for persons who have struggled to survive; overcome the legacy of slavery, prejudice and racism; find ways out of oppressive poverty; strengthen families and households; nurture and support children; restore community; and connect people with spiritual power.

Transformations CDC

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Ways to help

Assist English Language Learners

English Language Learners, both US-born kids in non-English-speaking families and more recent arrivals, are struggling with "distance learning". We are opening a "drop in" tutoring location in Price Hill, Cincinnati to assist, (following strict COVID guidelines). Morning hours for Elementary kids, afternoon hours High school, Monday through Friday.
  • Weekly
  • 55+, Adults
  • Individuals
  • Indoor
  • On-site, Formal
  • Weekdays

Drivers to Appointments

Getting from here to there can be impossible! Many immigrants are both low-income and unable to get drivers' licenses. Doctors' appointments, teachers' meetings, etc., are essential to a family's well-being. Can you help take non-English speakers from Price Hill to these appointments?
  • Occasional
  • Adults
  • Individuals
  • Indoor, Outdoor
  • None
  • Weekdays
How you helpVolunteers are involved at all aspects of Transformations, from tutoring kids to accompanying families on canoe trips to informing larger community of immigrant issues.
About usSmall organization able to pivot swiftly to meet emerging concerns/needs in immigrant family community.
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