Warren County Educational Service Center

1879 Deerfield Rd, Lebanon, OH 45036-8602
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Our missionThe mission of the Warren County Educational Service Center is: To promote excellence in education through quality services; To provide the most efficient and economical means to deliver specialized services; To promote innovation and education change; To meet established mandates required in providing services to local school districts.

Warren County Educational Service Center

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Ways to help

Preschool Classroom

Volunteer to help in the classroom or to help prepare an activity for your child's class
  • Occasional
  • 55+, Adults
  • Individuals
  • Indoor
  • None
  • Weekdays
How you helpRecognizing that each district is unique and diverse, programs and services are designed to enhance the sharing of resources and working together cooperatively. Our ultimate goal is for all students to have positive learning opportunities which we strive to achieve through teamwork, effective leadership and mutual support.
About usThe Warren County Educational Service Center believes that education is a cooperative process that involves administrators, teachers, students, parents and the community in promoting excellent educational programs through a constant cycle of diagnosis of need, implementation and evaluation.
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