Welcome Home Collaborative

1623 Dalton Ave, Cincinnati, OH 45234
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Our missionProvide transitional housing for the homeless, working poor and struggling families, who are looking for a second chance in life, by remodeling vacant or distressed properties in the inner-city of Cincinnati.

Welcome Home Collaborative

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Ways to help

House Renovation

The Welcome Home Collaborative includes the maintenance and / remodeling of properties to be used for Transitional Housing for use in the Transitional Housing aspect of our program. The Welcome Home Collaborative will seek to use volunteers and also to use individuals that are either homeless or working poor to remodel and renovate these buildings.This part of the program will seek to provide job and life skills to the individuals participating. Training will include both construction skills as well as life skills.*It should be noted that individuals could participate in both volunteering / working to renovate buildings as well as be candidates to stay in the transitional housing.
  • Weekly, Monthly
  • 21+, 55+, Adults
  • Individuals
  • Physical
  • Formal
  • Weekdays, Weekends
How you helpThe program seeks to accomplish three things: 1. Train the homeless and working poor with job and life skills. So often we see individuals that have construction and other skills but cannot find employment due to police records. They have made mistakes in the past, but are now ready to move forward. But due to their past, they are unable to find a job and move forward. This program seeks to give individuals a sense of self-worth and escape the vicious cycle of poverty and homelessness. 2. Provide sources of affordable, transitional housing for the homeless and poor in Cincinnati. This program would provide hope and a path for those struggling on the streets for housing. One of the struggles that homeless and poor experience is the lack of affordable housing. 3. Renovate and beautify the city. Last, but not least, this program would restore buildings that are vacant or in poor condition. This program would seek to improve, remodel, and/or upgrade existing single-family houses or multi-unit apartment buildings in the city of Cincinnati.
About usWe are a transitional housing program serving the inner-city of Cincinnati. The program is based on the needs of the homeless and poor that we’ve seen while serving the inner-city of Cincinnati for the last fourteen years.
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