Western Reserve Land Conservancy

3850 Chagrin River Rd, Moreland Hills, OH 44022
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Our missionTo provide the people of our region with essential natural assets through land conservation and restoration.

Western Reserve Land Conservancy

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About usWestern Reserve Land Conservancy inspires citizens throughout our region to protect land and water for the benefit of all of our communities, creating a habitat that serves people. We envision a healthy and scenic landscape, a patchwork quilt of large natural areas connected by wildlife and river corridors, a beautiful region interspersed with well-planned agricultural, residential, and commercial development that supports the people of our region now and forever. We are conservationists, urban planners, biologists, lawyers, communicators, real-estate professionals, fundraisers and public policy experts. We share a passion for protecting our natural resources and revitalizing our communities. Our staff is dedicated to preserving natural areas, farmland and coastal lands in northern and eastern Ohio and working statewide to help cities devastated by the foreclosure crisis. Western Reserve Land Conservancy is the largest land trust in Ohio and one of the largest in the nation.
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