The mission of the Cincinnati Board of Park Commissioners is “to conserve, manage, sustain, and enhance parks’ natural and cultural resources and public greenspace for the enjoyment, enlightenment and enrichment of the Cincinnati community.”
We lead collaboration, incubate ideas and catalyze solutions that create a resilient, sustainable region for all.
We exist to create the political will for climate solutions by enabling individual breakthroughs in the exercise of personal and political power.
We salvage reusable building materials destined for the landfill and resell them to the public.
To inspire and empower all to conserve and improve our region’s unique and threatened tree canopy.
We are a non-profit organization dedicated to to conserving natural habitats, waterways and agricultural lands in Southwestern Ohio, for the benefit of present and future generations, through partnerships with people and communities.
The Greater Cincinnati Earth Coalition is a community of not-for-profit organizations, businesses, government agencies, and individuals from the Ohio-Kentucky-Indiana tri-state region who work cooperatively and actively to promote the beauty and environmental quality of the tri-state area.
The Cincinnati Parks Foundation’s mission is to build broad-based private/public partnerships supporting the conservation and enhancement of our city’s parks and green spaces.
Alliance for Climate Education’s mission is to educate young people on the science of climate change and empower them to take action.
The mission of Gorman Heritage Farm is to educate about agriculture, nutrition, sustainability, and the environment.