The Purpose of the Logan County History Center is to promote education on the history of Logan County and the collection and exhibit of artifacts, documents, and other historical items from all of Logan County.

Peter’s Pense Religious Library purpose is to provide materials containing Catholic teaching, history and practices as well as family-oriented materials which conform to Christian values.

It’s all in honor of Darke County’s most famous daughter!

Our Mission is to preserve the historic structure and natural setting of the mill and provide educational, environmental and recreational experiences for all to enjoy.

LEAD Training is a 501(c)(3) non-profit that develops and delivers career-readiness, life-skills, and social-emotional learning programs for grades 3 through 12.

To stand not only as a repository of Ohio’s aeronautical history and a monument to Ohio’s contribution to aviation and space exploration, but also as a tribute to Ohioan Neil Armstrong, whose “one small step for a man” was indeed a “giant leap for mankind.”

The Minster Historical Society collects, preserves, interprets, and shares the history of Minster, the surrounding area, and its people through exhibits, programs, and publications.

To promote Aviation Heritage in the Dayton region

To promote, through exhibition of Wright “B” Flyer lookalikes, public awareness of the Dayton, Ohio region, where the Wright Brothers lived, invented the airplane, and gave birth to modern aviation.