I, and the Center For Peace Through Understanding are hosting a litter clean up day during “Day of Service” week. We will meet at the Peace Pole across from the 7-11 on the corner of Camp St and W. Monroe St in Sandusky and start picking up litter and trash there. We will work our…

I, along with Sandusky’s Center for Peace Through Understanding will be, as a group, picking up and disposing of litter and trash starting at the Peace Pole across the street from the 7-11 at the corner of W. Monroe St and Camp St. We will gather at the Peace Pole (park on surrounding streets please,…

Socially Distant event on Jan 18, 2021 from 9a.m-12p.m. at Cauldwell Nature Preserve on Northbebd Rd. to cleanup litter accumulated. Mask Required and Hand Santizer provided. Recepticals for litter I.e. garabage bags provided. RSVP recommended. All CDc and State Guidlines will be followed. Hope to see you there. We will adhere to strict COVID-19 safety…

A pocket pollinator park will be installed on the corner of South Fourth Street and Henry Street in close proximity to Hamilton’s Downtown district. It will consist of a diverse, healthy mix of more than thirty perennial flora with varying seasonal bloom times to ensure a sufficient nectar source is available throughout the year. These…

On Saturday, January 16th from 9am-noon, we will be celebrating #MLKDay by hosting a volunteer event at the Coit Road Farmers’ Market. We will be creating an original sign for our Learning Garden in order to beautify the community while educating passers by about what we do and how to get involved. We will also…

Take a walk in an outdoor public place within Lorain County -a park, city center, beach, etc.- and pick up all the trash you see. Dispose of it properly. See how much you can clean in an hour. Wear a mask, keep safe distance and wear gloves -trash, yuck!!! We will adhere to strict COVID-19…