A MomsHope Mentor is a committed Christ-follower, a positive role model, a problem solver, and a good reference point for single working mothers in areas of family, work, personal, and spiritual life. Mentor Responsibilities: develop a positive relationship with a mentee; weekly phone, text or email; meet in person once or more per month; pray regularly for mentee; goal setting; review resource assessment with mentee and set attainable goals for resource development; track mentees progress on goals set and keep her accountable; reach out for support from MomsHope team resources as needed; participation/communication with MomsHope team; attend Mentor Care meetings (average 3-4 per year); report mentee progress by completing routine performance report, according to Mentor Care Coordinator instructions; attend MomsHope socials and special events with mentee, whenever possible. Time commitment is approximately 6-10 hours per month for 12 months. Most MomsHope mentor/mentee pairs continue, based on commitment and desire to focus on completing the mentee’s ongoing goals toward completion.