Prepare basic, one page resumes for JobsPlus participants who are involved in our job readiness program and are seeking employment. Resume templates and training provided.Responsibilities:Utilize completed worksheets to develop resumes for participants involved in our job readiness program.· Email completed resume in Word Doc format to JobsPlus staff.· Maintain communication by email and phone with JobsPlus staff.·Optional: Meet with a JobsPlus participant and assist them in completing their resume worksheet that will be used to develop their resume.Qualifications:· Desire and passion to assist JobsPlus participants who are seeking employment by preparing their resume.·Excellent written communication skills.·Ability to send and receive email communication and develop Word documents.·Resourcefulness and ability to surf the web· Self motivated to work independently in a timely manner.Time Commitment:Approximately one hour per week.Minimum age: 18.