BLOC Ministries Cafe Kitchen Serving Hot Meals to Neighbors for Take-home & Delivery
Focus on those nearest to you! For BLOC Ministries, that’s in the very neighborhoods in which we live and serve throughout Cincinnati’s West Side communities of Price Hill, Cleves and surrounding neighborhoods! Many households and those struggling with disabilities, elderly and age constraints, and immune-compromised health situations are in great need of meals. BLOC staff and volunteers are cooking, serving take-out and also delivering hot meals to those in need. Visit to learn more or contact the Cafe Kitchen Director, Larry & Darla Groves at [email protected] or [email protected]. Our Food Pantry can also be contacted at
What we need: We are experiencing and anticipating an impact shortfall on demand for program and service delivery of $60,000 to $100,000
Quick Description of Org.: BLOC Ministries (, for 22 years, has served its mission: “Building relationships with our neighbors and sharing hope in brokenness” We focus on meeting community needs centered on the 5 bullet points listed below for immediate, near-term and longer term requests. Specific programs and services are detailed in the request below and center on youth, women and family basic needs, safety, stabilization of critical services and recovery care.
Population Impacted: March-April, More than 5,000 neighbors, youth, elderly and families in Cincinnati’s West Side communities and Price Hill neighborhoods
BLOC Ministries has immediate, near-term and longer term needs to support more than 5,000 neighbors, youth, elderly and families in Cincinnati’s West Side communities struggling financially, emotionally and physically. For 22 years, we have worked in the trenches 24-7 among our neighbors to share hope in times of brokenness. Our staff live where we serve so our work is non-stop and focuses one-to-one with families and individuals. Current impact also includes negative effects of reduced volunteer base affected by social distancing, health and age restrictions placing even greater burdens on staff and programs/services.
Please consider supporting our work during this crisis by making a financial gift at a level you feel called to give. Will you join us in sharing hope amidst the brokenness? Visit or donate now! We expect a $60,000-$100,000 impact on our work. Your funds will be used for the following:
- Meals for kids and families due to school closings and immediate household needs
- Basic needs, groceries and amenities for the elderly, immune-compromised and at-risk neighbors
- Funds to distribute to BLOC women’s and children’s shelters & housing to support individual and group needs
- Funds for BLOC programs/services to continue outside normal operating methods through safe measures
- Funds for immediate BLOC services, food and basic needs for women on the streets affected by prostitution and sex trafficking
Today, BLOC has 40 staff, 21 programs and six social enterprise businesses that serve as job skills and training sites among 40 properties throughout Cincinnati’s West Side. We’ve served thousands of youth and families fighting community, social and personal battles through programs including: mental health & substance abuse counseling, a recovery house for men, sex trafficking intervention, Arts, mentoring & after schools programming, a boys/girls home, juvenile justice & jail ministries, safe housing for women, sports performance training, equine-therapy & farming, prevention programs for girls, and a kitchen café & two food pantries.