Education has come a long way since Sir Isaac Pitman initiated the first distance education course in the early 1840s. The one-size-fits-all educational approach of the past is being transformed as a result of changing worldwide dynamics. Regardless of these changing dynamics, however, one true constant remains – the power and importance of music. For…
See full description Education has come a long way since Sir Isaac Pitman initiated the first distance education course in the early 1840s. The one-size-fits-all educational approach of the past is being transformed as a result of changing worldwide dynamics. Regardless of these changing dynamics, however, one true constant remains – the power and importance of music. For more than a century, TMS has cultivated the power of music as an educational, community-building and public health tool. We have adapted to the needs and interests of our constituents for 108 years. Clearly, while music is very important, an argument can be made that, compared to the heroic public health workers and organizations that are directly addressing life-and-death issues, music’s importance pales. But to underestimate the importance of music in our lives and communities, particularly in times like these, is misguided. Throughout time, music has offered hope and comfort amid fear and uncertainty. But in the age of this novel coronavirus, accessing and investing in music is infinitely more important for another reason. Following closely on the heels of the virus will emerge an emotional and mental health crisis within our populace. The impact of social separation and isolation on issues relating to depression, loneliness, hopelessness and suicide may skyrocket. Research tells us that music is one of our most powerful therapeutic tools in helping to mitigate the effects and impact of depression, anxiety disorders, stress, loneliness and isolation. Music can elevate an individual’s mood, resulting in a more positive outlook. It also offers a pathway to connecting with other humans.
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