May We Help makes face masks

May We Help volunteers are making face shields to help our local healthcare workers stay safe!
Here’s how!
May We Help volunteer Katie Seibert wanted to help our community’s healthcare workers stay safe by providing face shields to help offset the shortage.
So, she made a few prototypes and delivered them to a team at Drake Hospital. Drake lived with the face shields for 24 hours to ensure that they were functional, durable and withstood regular, rigid cleanings – which they did!
Then came the hard part: sourcing the materials! Katie spent three days scouring Greater Cincinnati for enough elastic, foam, double-sided tape and a specific type of vinyl.
And when she couldn’t find the right type of vinyl, she drove all the way to Cleveland to get it!
In her search for the right type of foam, Katie contacted May We Help volunteer Gary Wolford, whose company, Thaman Rubber, volunteered to machine cut the sheets of vinyl into individual pieces, saving tons of time and ensuring a high-quality finished product!
The vinyl pieces will be completed on Wednesday, and on Thursday, from noon-4pm, May We Help volunteers will assemble 1,200 face shields to fill requests from Drake, Carespring, St. Elizabeth, and Good Samaritan hospitals!

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