Join the committee and help plan the October event.

Provide information regarding victim rights and referrals to other services, emotional support, assist with financial restitution, and accompaniment to appointments such as health, legal, and law enforcement. Volunteers have constant, ongoing communication with our dedicated staff.

The Work Readiness Initiative of the Clermont Chamber of Commerce Foundation is a collaborative effort of business and community leaders who partner with educators to prepare students to be work-ready. Speed Mentoring is a fun and fast-paced event at which volunteers from the business community meet with small groups of students to talk about their…

Do you have experience in graphic design, copywriting, fundraising, event planning, web design or support, brand development, PR, advertising, marketing, or other transferable skills? You can make an incredible lifesaving impact by joining this team!

By opening your home to pets in need, you are saving them from an uncertain future and giving them a second chance at life. You also open up much needed space in those shelters for other pets.

We need 3 physicians/CNP’s/PA’s to work in each clinic. You can also help by volunteering to accept patients with suspected melanoma on an expedited basis. These referrals are rotated so no one person gets them all. Some patients will have insurance and others will not, but you can limit the number of pro bono/reduced rate…

Share your special TALENT with those at end of life. Music provides a welcome distraction, moments of joy and special memories for patients and families. Schedule and Location FLEXIBLE to your availability. Online training provided at your convenience.

Help with business mentorship for our existing co-ops and co-op entrepreneurs, fundraising support and mentorship (ie. how to develop major donor programs, events, annual giving campaigns, grant writing), database maintenance, outreach support to specific communities and constituency groups and more!

Assist with fundraising opportunities. Research prospective donors in targeted regions for new funding & partnership opportunities. Assist in the organization of hardcopy archives and marketing collateral. Other projects as assigned by the Director of Development and Political Outreach. Contact members via telephone and email to collect outstanding funds. Assist with event planning and pre-travel materials.…

Ability to design, develop and launch digital projects such as websites, banner ads, e-mail campaigns. Demonstrates proficiency in traditional print and basic print production. Write press releases, media advisories, and communications plans. Develop social media campaigns, including research, writing posts. Experience managing, editing and updating social media accounts ie. Facebook, Twitter, & Instagram.