Have you heard the news?! iSPACE camps are both in-person and going virtual this year! While our in-person camps start June 15th, our first-ever virtual camps are starting the week of June 22nd, there’s a camp for all ages and interests!! Here’s a list of some of the super cool virtual iSPACE camps: Science of…
15th Annual Kinnect (Virtual) Golf Outing We’re all in this together, even on the golf course! The 15th Annual Kinnect Golf Outing will be held virtually (to protect the safety of our community) starting Saturday, August 1st, 2020 and lasting through Sunday, August 9th, 2020. Play 9 or 18 holes at the course of your choice,…
Beck Center for the Arts in Lakewood, Ohio, was forced to cancel three professional theater productions, a youth theater production, a music recital, a dance production, and the 20th anniversary of Razzle Dazzle, an annual performance with Cuy County Board of Developmental Disabilities and clients of our Creative Arts Therapies program. Sue D, a dedicated…
In response to COVID-19/Coronavirus, DDC Clinic made the difficult decision to close our building to everyone but our patients. The children we serve with rare diseases are at high risk of severe complications if they caught the virus. Their safety was our first concern. We asked families to postpone well child visits and new patient…
Planning for the upcoming growing season at City Fresh usually involves fun stuff like sprouting seeds, meeting with farmers, talking to potential volunteers, and looking for new ways to improve Fresh Stops. This year, it’s a little bit of all of that, but with the added tension we’re all feeling under COVID-19. We’re developing contingency…
Due to COVID-19, more than 600 sessions that were booked in schools and community partner sites had to be cancelled. Two of our scheduled fundraising events cannot take place as planned. PAA depends upon a mix of philanthropy and program support and currently we are facing challenges with both potential revenue streams. We look forward…
We have all suffered hardship due to the COVID-19 pandemic, and Cleveland Play House is no exception. Approximately $2 million in revenue projected for this year has either been lost completely or deferred to some unknown future date. In addition, significant expenses for canceled productions had already been incurred. The effects of this crisis on…
Since 1972 Greater Cleveland Volunteers has partnered with the nonprofit community in Cuyahoga County to recruit, train and refer individuals to offer their time and talents to help address needs in our community. We provide volunteers to help nonprofits deliver programs and services or to assist with special projects or events. In addition, we provide…
Due to COVID-19, Burning River Baroque postponed their entire spring season “Witches: Revered and Reviled.” This necessary decision has impacted the organization significantly in terms of personnel, lost revenue, and uncertainty about the upcoming season. Personnel: Postponing our spring 2020 season prevented us from continuing with our strategic plan of recruiting a permanent board treasurer as…
Since 2004, America SCORES Cleveland has used a continuum of support to successfully build healthy and engaged learners. SCORES ensures that Cleveland youth, no matter their socioeconomic background, have access to free, quality programming using an evidence-based tri-curricular approach of poetry, soccer, and service-learning. Due to COVID-19, we had to pivot our programming to an…