Our mission | LEAP's mission is to advance a society of equal opportunity for all persons, regardless of disability. |
COVID-19 Impact |
LEAP (Linking Employment, Abilities and Potential)
Ways to help | Provide Support for People with Disabilities in our Community Everyone knows someone with a disability.“As a Board Member of LEAP, I (Nathan Leber) can tell you that Melanie and her team work day in and day out to empower those living with disabilities in Northeast Ohio. For many of these individuals, LEAP provides the necessary tools to live an independent, self-sufficient life. The only… See full description About LEAPVolunteer Coordinator LEAP does not have the resources to manage volunteers who are interested in supporting people with disabilities. A volunteer Volunteer Coordinator, to match LEAP’s needs to volunteer skill set and availability, and coordinate the activities of the volunteers, would be extremely helpful. See full description About LEAPEmployment Opportunities for People with DisabilitiesOur Employment program and summer youth program are struggling with finding appropriate and meaningful training opportunities for individuals with disabilities, and with supporting people with disabilities in their work skill building and job search. We are looking for small business employers who can provide work experiences in a safe, small environment. Learn More our Employment Program for Persons with DisabilitiesOnline Classes for Persons with Development Disabilities LEAP’s Quantum LEAP Recreation Program has launched video streaming activities to keep residents with disabilities, who are isolated in their homes, engaged. We welcome volunteers to lead an activity, or a series of activities, such as art, music, dance, cooking, any activity that can be provided online to a group for people with developmental… See full description Learn More about our Adult Adaptive Recreation ProgramOnline Workshops for Persons with Disabilities, Families and Care-Givers We are moving our community education training and enrichment classes to on-line offerings for individuals, families and care-givers. Subject matter experts to volunteer their time to assist in on-line educational workshops in the areas of (but not limited to) personal discovery, technology, employment skill building, personal finance/money management, nutrition/healthy lifestyles, chronic disease self-management are… See full description About LEAPOnline Mock Interview & Job Skills Training for Youth with Disabilities LEAP’s high school youth transition program has begun providing remote services to the in-school youth they served in LEAP’s year-round program. The focus is getting the youth ready for independent living and employment upon graduation. Volunteers are needed to provide mock interviews, and present workshops related to getting and keeping a job online. See full description About LEAP |
About us | Linking Employment, Abilities and Potential (LEAP) is an agent of positive change, working to advance participation and equality in society for people with disabilities in Northeast Ohio. Founded more than 35 years ago by people with disabilities, LEAP serves over 1,500 individuals annually, and works to promote social change to enhance the quality of life for people with disabilities. The majority of staff and board members are people with disabilities themselves.By offering an array of comprehensive, high quality and award-winning programs and services, LEAP assists people with disabilities achieve economic self-sufficiency, live independently in their own homes, participate in community life including adaptive recreation, and find and maintaining employment commensurate with their interests and talents.LEAP is a federally recognized Center for Independent Living (CIL). CIL's are non-residential places of action and coalition where persons with disabilities learn and develop necessary skills, empowering them to make their own life choices. LEAP is accredited by CARF International. |
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